Thursday, April 10, 2008

We arrived in Burundi

Day of Promise

We said our farewells to Rwanda this morning, bound for Burundi.  It was a great flight, all 30 minutes of it!  The view of Burundi from the air is like a vast, variegated, green patchwork quilt.  As we descended, we caught the beautiful view of the mountain range capped with billowing clouds that separate Burundi from Congo. Again, we received such a joyful welcome from Peace’s husband, Emmanuel, her sister, Phoebe, and several other ladies from their group.  Now settled into the hotel, we had a bit of time just to enjoy a peaceful terrace, watch the ornate African cranes walking about (which became a bit TOO friendly with Barb and Carolyn!) and begin to get the feel for Burundi.

Just from our drive from the airport, it is evident that Burundi has not had the economic renewal that Rwanda has.  We haven’t seen new construction, repaired roads or any of the improvements that surprised us in Rwanda.

Tonight we got to meet with the ministry group that Peace leads; they meet every Thursday night for prayer, worship, and encouragement.  It is always so good to join in with their lively praise and worship!  A dear little 66 yr. old woman (that is an older woman here) danced and sang enthusiastically, encouraging all of us to join in the celebration.  We could learn a lot about worship from her!

Greetings were shared, as we are learning that greetings are very important in Africa.  We are all overwhelmed with how happy the people are to greet us!  They are so grateful for the support that has been given to their ministry projects.  One young woman shared how this ministry has totally changed her life, how the love and witness of these women led her to the Lord and gave her hope.  She wanted us to know how blessed she is and to express her thanks.

Tomorrow we will visit the ministry center where they have the sewing and hair dressing training.  We’ll also have some time to meet with the leaders for a time of sharing and testimony.

Burundi suffered the same terror of genocide as Rwanda.  The wounds still appear to be very tender and hard to heal. The faces of the women bear the pain of that suffering, and from what we understand, there has been less reconciliation here than in Rwanda.

Please pray for Burundi, for those involved in ministry here, for those who suffer great loss, widows who struggle to survive, and those dying of AIDS.  Pray that we can bring them encouragement and a measure of comfort while we are here.

As we left the hotel this evening, we noticed a large, complete rainbow arched over the city.  It was bright and beautiful, seeming to envelop all of Bujumbura.  To see a glorious rainbow reminded us of God’s promise and His faithfulness.  On the surface, it may look like God has forgotten this land, but His promises remain.  Jesus is and has always been the source of hope and life.  Pray for these believers to persevere in that hope and share that hope with their country, to bring true healing to this nation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My prayers continue with you all. My heart is stirred with each journal entry. Yes, I do believe the Lord is calling to "go".